
The following describes the process of deploying Dashbuilder onto Widlfly via Podman using an installation of Fedora 31.


Use Podman to quickly build and deploy Dashbuilder onto Wildfly.

  1. Get the most current version of all packages and podman.

     sudo dnf clean all
     sudo rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/*
     sudo dnf update -y
     sudo dnf autoremove -y
     sudo dnf install -y slirp4netns podman
  2. To increase the number of user namespaces in the kernel, type the following:

     sudo echo "user.max_user_namespaces=28633" > /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf
     sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/userns.conf

    Note that the user you’re logged in as is automatically configured to be able to use rootless podman.

  3. Check which version of Java is installed.

     java -version

    Note WildFly 19 is heavily tested and runs well on Java 8.

  4. Dashbuilder requires Maven 3.6.3 (or greater). At the time of this post, this release of Maven is not yet provided by the default package manager repositories and therefore I need to install and add to the environment PATH manually. For your convenience you can source the following custom bash script and issue the command install-maven to automate the installation process, or use this Ansible Galaxy role too.

    install-maven() {
      [[ ! -d "$HOME/.local/share/maven" ]] && mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/maven"
      curl -L '' \
      | tar -xzf - -C "$HOME/.local/share/maven" --strip 1
      ln -s "$HOME/.local/share/maven/bin/mvn" "$HOME/.local/bin/mvn"

    Note that my .bashrc file contains the user specific environment variable PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH" to load the local bin folder for binary files maintained outside of the native OS package manager. You can verify that mvn is loaded from this path by reloading the interactive shell environment (restarting the terminal) and typing the command which mvn. Also, you can find other mvn paths (check if installed globally) using the command whereis mvn to determine all locations of Maven.

  5. Check which version of Maven is installed.

     mvn -version
  6. Download the Dashbuilder builder source code.

     curl -L '' \
     | tar -xzf - -C "$HOME/Downloads" appformer-7.43.1.Final/dashbuilder --strip 1
  7. Change directory to location of downloaded Dashbuilder source code.

     cd $HOME/Downloads/dashbuilder
  8. Package the source code as a WAR file using maven.

     mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dfull

    Once build is finished, you’ll find the WAR distributions for Wildfly in dashbuilder-distros/target/dashbuilder-1.0.0.Final-wildfly10.war.

  9. Create the local Containerfile to build containers and define reproducible image recipes. In other words, create a file named Containerfile with the following contents:

     FROM jboss/wildfly:19.1.0.Final
     ADD dashbuilder-distros/target/dashbuilder-7.43.1.Final-wildfly10.war /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments/
     CMD ["/opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/", "-b", "", "-bmanagement", ""]
  10. Use podman to build an image using local Containerfile.

    podman build -t dashbuilder -f Containerfile .
  11. Run image locally and boot in standalone mode with admin console available remotely.

    podman run --publish 8080:8080 --publish 9990:9990 -detach --name dashbuilder localhost/dashbuilder sh -c '/opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ -b -bmanagement'
  12. Create a management user in the Default Realm for the management console at http://localhost:9990.

    podman exec -it dashbuilder /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ -u 'adminuser' -p 'password1'
  13. Create an Application user belonging to a single group.

    podman exec -it dashbuilder /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ -a -u 'appuser1' -p 'password1!' -g 'admin'
  14. Once the application is started, navigate to http://localhost:8080/dashbuilder-7.43.1.Final-wildfly10.

    Note use the Application user created in Step #13 to login to Dashboard Builder.


This post was inspired by the KieLive#8 Authoring Dashboards in Business Central video blog posting.

Dashbuilder is a general purpose dashboard and reporting web app which allows for:

  • Visual configuration and personalization of dashboards
  • Support for different types of visualizations using several charting libraries
  • Full featured editor for the definition of chart visualizations
  • Definition of interactive report tables
  • Data extraction from external systems, through different protocols
  • Support for both analytics and real-time dashboards

Check out the link to the video above where you go through the process of uploading and creating some really cool dashboards.

Thanks, and remember Knowledge Is Everything (KIE)!